German poems
in English –
the two versions
side by side

Translated by Gerold Stengele

To select individual poems, click the title or first line.

Busch, Wilhelm
Claudius, Matthias
Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von  
Eichendorff, Joseph  von
Fontane, Theodor
Geibel, Emanuel
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Hebbel, Friedrich
Heine, Heinrich
Hoffmann von Fallersleben, A.H.
Lenau, Nikolaus
Morgenstern, Christian
Mörike, Eduard
Rosegger, Peter
Ein Freund ging nach Amerika A Friend Went to America
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Herbsttag Autumn Day
Ringelnatz, Joachim
Roth, Eugen
Schiller, Friedrich
Der Pilger The Pilgrim
Storm, Theodor
Uhland, Ludwig
Weerth, Georg
Werfel, Franz
Elternlied Parents' Song

Translation copyright©2023 by Gerold Stengele,
Use for educational purposes permitted.

For lovers of ballads: A German version of "The Cremation of Sam MacGee" by Robert Service, titled "Der frierende Goldgräber" is available on YouTube via this link.

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